Otome Youkai Zakuro

We watched the anime おとめ妖怪ざくろ (Otome Youkai Zakuro) last we and we completely fell in love with it! It is made after a manga by Lily Hoshino and her artwork is so beautiful!
We're not gonna spoil anything, but we instantly fell in love with the twins Bonbori and Hozuki, they are so cute and complete Ojou sama's xD

We really want to cosplay them now! We are thinking of going to comiket when we are in Japan with our friends, and we think it would be awesome to go as them!<3

 We also fell in love with the song from the anime!
Since we wanted to learn it we wanted to be able to sing with, but it was a little uncomfortable singing with the romaji lyrics, so we just wrote the lyrics down ourselves (or Lea did^^)

 The video is not ours, but it has the lyrics in romaji is you want to learn, and if you can read hiragana (and the occasional kanji) you can see the lyrics under the video^^

We hope you like the song as much as we do, and if you want to watch the anime it is on Crunchyroll:)



わたしゃ 花か ちょうちょうか おにか
あわれ み も よ も あらりょう物か〜
べにの かわりに〜
さすのは やいばじゃ


わたしゃ花か ちょうちょうか おにか
あわれ み も よ も あらりょう〜物か
べにの かわりに
さすのは やいばじゃ〜
たんと ほめて くだしゃんせ

あっぱれ あっぱれ あっぱれ なあ!

わたしゃ さく花 さいて うれしいや
あわれ いつかは ちりゆく も 花
えんは きれるが あの子は きれぬ
きれりゃ じごくが ふえてゆく〜

あっぱれ あっぱれ あっぱれ なあ!

わたしゃ かれ花 おにの つぼみじゃ
とめて とまらぬ〜 いろずく ちいろじゃ
べにも あの子も わしには いらぬ〜
いつか つぼみに もどりゃんせ〜

あっぱれ あっぱれ あっぱれ なあ!

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